What is Legacy Giving?
Legacy giving, also known as planned giving, is a powerful way to make a lasting impact on Capitol Market and ensure its future success. By including Capitol Market in your estate plans, you can leave a meaningful legacy that reflects your values and supports our mission for generations to come.

Why is Legacy Giving Important?
Legacy giving is crucial for the long-term sustainability of Capitol Market. These thoughtful contributions provide us with the financial stability needed to maintain and enhance our facilities, support local vendors, and offer enriching community programs. Your gift can help us continue to be a vibrant and cherished hub for local produce, unique products, and community gatherings.

How Can You Participate in Legacy Giving?
Participating in legacy giving is easier than you might think. Here are some ways you can include Capitol Market in your planned giving:

  1. Bequests: Include a specific dollar amount or percentage of your estate in your will or living trust.
  2. Beneficiary Designations: Name Capitol Market as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance policy, or financial accounts.
  3. Charitable Trusts: Establish a charitable remainder trust or charitable lead trust that provides income to you or your loved ones with the remainder benefiting Capitol Market.
  4. Gifts of Stock or Real Estate: Donate appreciated securities or real estate, which can offer you tax benefits while supporting our mission.
  5. Endowments: Create an endowment in your name or in honor of a loved one to support specific aspects of Capitol Market’s operations or programs.

Join Us in Securing the Future
By choosing to make a legacy gift, you are joining a community of dedicated supporters who understand the value of preserving Capitol Market’s legacy. Your generosity will help us continue to thrive and serve the community for many years to come.

If you are interested in learning more about legacy giving options, please contact your attorney or financial advisor to include Capitol Market in your financial future.

If you choose to include Capitol Market, please let us know by contacting us at admin@capitolmarket.net so we can honor your generosity.